In this howto we will setup bridged networking to dedicate physical network device to KVM virtual machines/servers. Its best way to have local network between virtual machines and provide better performance.
1. Create a Bridge
Before it was all manual to create bridge device but now KVM provide single command to do all. To create a bridge (br0) using eth0, you need to execute following command
1 |
virsh iface-bridge eth0 br0 |
This will create bridge (br0) device file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ and take all settings from eth0 to configure itself with configure eth0 to use br0.
2. Stop NetworkManager
You will also need to do following in all ifcfg-* file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ to disable NetworkManager. Edit all files and make sure to have following value
After this stop NetworkManager and start network service to start bridge at startup.
1 2 3 4 |
chkconfig NetworkManager off chkconfig network on service NetworkManager stop service network start |
You can now create or edit your virtual machine to use bridge network device (br0).